Collection: Moisture

19 products
  • Pfeuffer HE50 Grain Moisture Meter
    Pfeuffer HE50 Grain Moisture Meter - Includes calibration settings for soft wheat, hard wheat, barley, sorghum, oats, corn, canola, beans, sunflowers, peas, safflower, triticale, wet wheat and soy beans |
  • Pfeuffer HE Lite Grain Moisture Meter
    The Pfeuffer HE Lite Grain Moisture Meter. Now available at Graintec Scientific.
  • Perten IM8800 Grain Protein & Moisture Meter
    Perten IM8800 Grain Protein & Moisture Meter - Available at GRAINTEC SCIENTIFIC (Australia)
  • Perten IM9500 Grain and Flour Analyser
    Perten IM9500 Grain and Flour Analyser | Graintec Scientific
  • Perten IM9520 Flour NIR Analyser
    Perten IM9520 Dedicated Flour NIR Analyser
  • Perten Aquamatic 5200 Grain Moisture Meter
  • Gehaka 610i Portable Grain Moisture Meter
    The Gehaka G610i Moisture Tester was specially developed to monitor and control field crops, grain drying and storage processes, with high performance and precision. Available from Graintec Scientific (Australia) |
  • Gehaka 650i Portable Grain Moisture, Impurity & Density Analyser
    The Gehaka G650i is the state-of-the art in compact grain moisture and foreign material tester. Available from Graintec Scientific (Australia) |
  • mini GAC® plus Grain Moisture Analyser
    mini GAC® plus Grain Moisture Analyser | Available from Graintec Scientific
  • Agreto Hay Moisture Meter
    The Agreto Hay and Straw Moisture Meter HFM II is a professional measuring instrument for determining moisture level and temperature of baled hay and straw.
  • Delmhorst C-2000 Cotton Moisture Meter
  • Delmhorst Hay Moisture Meter
    Delmhorst Hay Moisture Meter - Rapid Moisture Measurement | Graintec Scientific